"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man."
~Elbert Hubbard, The Roycroft Dictionary and Book of Epigrams, 1923.
Welcome to my world.
Welcome to my city.
Welcome to a change.
Welcome to the world of technology.
Hello guyz. My name is Saransh.Like millions of other people I'm also doing B.tech but like handful of other people my field is, learning the application of B.tech. This is the first time m going to start my own blog.Quite a wonderful feeling.Well to be frank,i don't have any knowledge about blogging whatsoever.But the only thing which keeps on pushing me for a while to start such a thing is the word "technology".After years of sitting continuously in front of computer and digging internet,iv gained knowledge and more knowledge about stuff which my colleges and friends are...err...lets say....kind of unaware of.
I am a proud moderator of a community in orkut called "G4"....its my "adda"....its my "home"....its my "life" :). I have learned alot from there.
Well...too much of blabbering i guess.....lets get to the real thing !!!
So guyz here we post about one of the most coolest and exciting thing which is going on around us since the day we step foot on earth!!
everyone knows what m talking bout...its the aura which surrounds us. Its called "technology".
i am here to share.....i am here to learn !!!
Comrades......lets kick off this thing !!!
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