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TeChNoCiTy - My Playlist

(Drum rolls...) Introducing something new to the blog called "TeChNoCiTy - SOUNDTRACK". It gives me pleasure sharing my playlist with you guys. I may not have the best sense of music, but hey its my blog so you are going to read and listen to what i like. Everyday, i will share a track from my very personal playlist. With each song, there's a story. Hopefully you will like my collection and the story behind the song. 

"Cheers Darlin" -Damien Rice

Here is a track i used to listen again and again. A bleak, depressing track right from the oceans depth by legend, Damien Rice. With every word of the lyric like a screw is turning slowly into your heart. Its incredible how time heels all wounds...

Cheers darlin'
Here's to you and your lover boy
Cheers darlin'
I got years to wait around for you
Cheers darlin'
I've got your wedding bells in my ear
Cheers darlin'
You give me three cigarettes to smoke my tears away

And I die when you mention his name

And I lied, I should have kissed you
When we were running in the rain

What am I darlin'?

A whisper in your ear?
A piece of your cake?
What am I, darlin?
The boy you can fear?
Or your biggest mistake?

Cheers darlin'

Here's to you and your lover man
Cheers darlin'
I just hang around and eat from a can
Cheers darlin'
I got a ribbon of green on my guitar
Cheers darlin'
I got a beauty queen
To sit not very far from me

I die when he comes around

To take you home
I'm too shy
I should have kissed you when we were alone

What am I darlin'?

A whisper in your ear?
A piece of your cake?
What am I, darlin?
The boy you can fear?
Or your biggest mistake?

Oh what am I? What am I darlin'?

I got years to wait...

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